Written by Emily Gordon, input from Christina Newberry 

Prior to the rise of social media, small businesses were required to become savvy on their own. Each small business had to come up with strategic ways to market their product by implementing creative, eye-catching advertisements. Some may even say there was an inherent sense of competition amongst similar businesses due to the fact attracting customers could be a challenge. However, recently, social media has come to the aid of these minor businesses. With 4.2 billion active users media platforms allow businesses to reach a mass population at once.  It is important to acknowledge that there is no harm in sticking to the old-fashioned way of selling, but implementing modern technological strategies into your small businesses marketing plan can help bring the company to new heights. Below is a helpful guide on the ways to utilize social media effectively in your small business: 

Start with a plan:

Taking the initial step to create a social media platform for your company could be initially overwhelming. Therefore, it is vital to start with a plan to help you stay organized. The first step of your plan should be “setting goals and objectives.” Set realistic standards for your business that are obtainable, and strive to surpass them. Next, research your competition. Unlike the “old-fashion” way of marketing, you now have easy access to your competition. How are they using social media? Obviously, copying them would not be beneficial, but learning what others have done is a great way to grow and get inspired. Conducting a social media audit is a great way to assert your existing efforts. Finally, creating a calendar helps you post the right content to the right channels at the right time.

Decide what platforms are right for you:

Just because you are a fan of a specific platform does not necessarily mean that your target market utilizes that source as their primary media site. For example, if you are trying to market to Gen Z then you shouldn’t use Facebook rather head on over to either Instagram or Tik Tok. 

It is important to note that you should create pages on various platforms; however, where you should focus a majority of your content should be where your target audience is. 

Learn about your audience:

The power of social media is endless. One of the largest benefits is the ability to micro-target your audience by performing extensive research and data analysis. Once you fully understand your audience work towards curating posts that they find both compelling and eye-catching. 

Once you have a captive audience, work to expand it:

After establishing your audience, revisit your original plan and set out to target a new demographic. Yes, having a captivated audience is excellent. However, it is great to broaden your horizons. Be sure to utilize various platforms, have your existing audience promote your brand, and set out of your comfort zone.

Build relationships:

Talk directly to your customers! More often than not we look past social media as a way to foster relationships. Be sure to reach out directly to your followers and ask them for feedback. Additionally, mention followers on your posts and stories. This keeps them invested, and wanting more. While new customers are great it is also extremely important to value customer retention. Additionally, be sure to reach out to influencers and those who fall within your niche.

Pay Attention to Trends:

This tip should be interpreted to a certain extent. While it is imperative to stay up-to-date on all trends, please do not harp on every meme that goes viral. However, it is necessary to pay attention to viral content as a way to understand what resonates with followers.

Use the Right Tools:

Social media is not a broadcasting system rather it is a way to connect with customers and fans. Be sure to take the time to analyze analytics by researching and reflecting on your profile. Additionally, turn to online tools to help create graphics to create eye-catching content.

Track your performance:

Finally, it is imperative to track your progress! After taking all of the necessary steps, stated above, to get your small business started on social media it is vital that you take the time to track your successes  (and what isn’t working)! While social media can help bring your business to new heights these new marketing methods should not be taken for granted.

Headquartered in New York City, Bao Communications is a full-service bilingual PR Agency specializing in social media, media relations, content creation, and influencer marketing. We serve local, national, and global clients in the United States and China.

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