Written by Rebecca Hirsch, with input from Matter

Here are a few tips that can help a beginner at PR.

Improve the Quality of Your Experience:

The quality of your experience is much more important than quantity. Even if you’ve had multiple internships, or have worked hundreds of hours in the industry, doesn’t necessarily mean that you know what you’re doing. What makes your experience valuable is coming out with more knowledge than you had when you started. Make sure you keep a record as to where you can improve, and note any questions you might have to ask your manager.

Immerse Yourself in the Industry:

If you’re really looking to improve your skills, start researching now. Read daily newspapers, watch the talk shows as well as the regular news, and follow any journalists or influencers that you want to reach out to. All of these are great ways to keep yourself abreast of the current PR trends, and can help you get to know how more skilled members of the industry do things.

Build Relationships with Publications:

There are several ways of doing this. Focus on a single, local publication, or newer reporters. Offer them exclusives, limited releases, and sound bites before you give the information to anyone else. Make sure anything you give them is accurate because constantly giving incorrect information will make them distrust you. These relationships will be extremely important as you further your career.

Know Who you’re Talking to:

Before walking into an interview, q&a, press release, or any other communication effort, make sure you know who it is you’re talking to. Research them, who they’ve worked with, why they do what they do. Make sure you have relevant questions, as well.

Give Every Project your Best Effort:

Even if you aren’t working on something that you consider important or exciting, it doesn’t mean that it’s unnecessary. Take any assignments you receive seriously, and put in all of your effort to make things go smoothly. This will show that you can handle the more important assignments, and will show your dedication to your clients on even the smallest things. Hopefully, these 5 tips will help PR beginners learn more about their fields and increase their knowledge.

Headquartered in New York City, Bao Communications is a full-service bilingual PR Agency specializing in social media, media relations, content creation, and influencer marketing. We serve local, national, and global clients in the United States and China.

Five Tips for PR Beginners

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